Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My 1st Decole & Website News!

My 1st Decole!
Originally uploaded by florspace.
My 1st Decole item finally came! Decole's such a cute brand brimming with so much goodies I can never get unless I get my butt to Japan which will prolly take a couple of years to happen. :P Till then, I'm subject to high prices and overcharged shipping. :+( But there will be sacrifices for the good stuff I guess!

Anyways, I've been working on getting a website up for sometime now and I've found freewebs and they have pretty decent service for free. Not that I'm a cheapskate or anything, I'd prefer to set up on a freesite than to overcharge my customers! Anyways, its just a website address and as Shakespere says, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

So, while I'm sneaking off my books to set up the website, which is painfully slow coz I'm a totally dork in that area, please do bear with me and enjoy the site! :+) Pass on your criticisms to me and I'll try my best to make it good.

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